Understanding the Complex Storyline of Planescape: Torment - GamesTopia

Understanding the Complex Storyline of Planescape: Torment

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Planescape Torment is an iconic role playing game that was released in the year 1999. The game tells the story of a man who wakes up with no memory and only one goal: to find out who he is. As you progress through the game there are many twists, turns and questions that get answered along the way. There are also plenty of questions left unanswered as well! We will go through each question and explain why it’s so important in order to understand how complex this storyline really is!

Why are there so many factions?

The factions are an important part of the game and they can be confusing at first. The factions serve as a way to introduce players to the setting of Planescape: Torment, but they also provide a number of other benefits that make them worth exploring.

The most obvious reason for joining a faction is because it gives you access to new quests and sidequests, which are often more interesting than those available from non-faction characters. Joining factions will also give your character access to powerful equipment and abilities not available anywhere else in the game world–and since there’s no reason not join all four groups if possible (assuming you have enough money), this means that if you want better gear than what’s available at stores or through looting corpses then joining up with one or more factions is an easy way around this limitation!

What is the origin of the Nameless One’s immortality?

The origin of the Nameless One’s immortality is a bit of a mystery, but we do know that it has something to do with his being a lich. In Planescape: Torment, liches are undead wizards who have managed to retain their intelligence and memories after death. They also possess some form of magical power, making them especially dangerous foes–especially since they can’t be killed by conventional means like weapons or spells.

While this may seem like an obvious explanation for why he can’t die, there are other theories about how he came into being as well. Some believe that he was reincarnated from another person in order to fulfill some sort of prophecy; others say that he was created by Irenicus himself as part of some experiment or plot against him (which would explain why The Nameless One doesn’t remember anything before waking up in ICU). However, these ideas don’t really match up with what happens during gameplay because:

  • There aren’t many clues supporting them;
  • They contradict each other (i.e., if you were created by someone else then how could they be responsible for your immortality?); and

How did Dak’kon, Ignus, and Nordom come to be?

Dak’kon was a warrior who was part of a group of heroes who fought against the Nameless One. He has lost his memory, but still retains his combat skills and knowledge of martial arts.

Ignus was part of a group of mages who fought against the Nameless One. He was burned to death by one of their own in an attempt to kill him, but instead Ignus gained pyrokinetic powers as well as immortality due to being resurrected by another member of their group (and lover).

Nordom was an AI created by the Nameless One to help him fight against his enemies; however, due to having no body or physical form he went insane after being abandoned by his creator when he tried killing himself

What happened to Morte’s body in the original game?

In the original game, Morte’s body was destroyed. He became a floating skull and joined your party.

In Torment: Tides of Numenera, Morte has a new body that looks like his old one but with glowing eyes and wings (and no other limbs). You can even see him as he flies around in cutscenes!

Why was Annah leaving the party such a big deal in Planescape Torment?

You may have wondered why Annah leaving the party was such a big deal. She was the only character who could cast spells, heal the party and talk to NPCs. She also had a skill called “Pick locks” which was very useful when trying to open locked doors or chests.

The story of Torment is complex but it’s worth exploring

The plot of Planescape: Torment is so convoluted that it would take an entire article just to explain the plot ay nd characters in enough detail for you to understand what’s going on without reading the game yourself first. It’s also one of those games where everything turns out differently for each player depending on how much they choose to explore and interact with other characters–meaning there are multiple endings based on how much time you spend talking with non-player characters (NPCs).


Overall, Planescape Torment is a game worth exploring. The storis complex but it’s worth exploring. If you’re looking for something new in the world of RPGs, this might just be the game for you!

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