The return of Lilith: What we can expect from Diablo IV's story - GamesTopia

The return of Lilith: What we can expect from Diablo IV’s story

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Diablo III is a direct sequel to Diablo II. It follows the original game’s plotline, taking players back to Tristram where they’ll once again face off against Diablo himself as he tries to take over the world. In this article we’ll explore some more details about this story as well as how it ties into the lore of both games by exploring what happened with Lilith and how she might return in Diablo IV

The return of Lilith: What we can expect from Diablo IV’s story

Lilith is the main antagonist for Diablo IV, and she’ll be the final boss of the game. She’s a succubus with a new look and design. In Diablo III, Lilith was an angel who turned into a demon after she was corrupted by her hatred toward humanity. She was also responsible for corrupting other angels into demons as well as creating Reapers–a group of powerful demons that serve as bosses in several parts throughout Act V (the final act).

In this new game, we can expect to see more backstory on Lilith’s origins as well as how she became evil after losing her wings due to her corruption by Mephisto when he killed Izual during his battle with him at Tristram Keep before Diablo II: Lord of Destruction came out.*

Warcraft III is known for introducing many iconic characters. From Thrall to Gul’dan, the game introduced some very memorable characters that became mainstays in Warcraft lore. One character retconned into being a angelic figure was Lilith, who played an important role in the final battle against Archimonde the Defiler. She would later be revealed as a succubus, but her role in Warcraft lore would only increase after this revelation.

Lilith’s story had its roots in Azeroth long before anyone knew who she was or where she came from; when Sargeras first arrived on Argus thousands of years ago and decided that his followers would need somewhere safe from being hunted down by other races (like humans), he created Shrines where they could reside safely away from prying eyes until they were ready for battle again–but there was one problem: nobody wanted anything to do with these strange new worlds because there was nothing there except darkness and death! So what did Sargeras do? He created beings known as “angels” who would inhabit these worlds so that others could live peacefully alongside them without fear anymore.”

Diablo II expanded on the lore of Diablo I, including the reveal that Lilith was behind the plans for Diablo as well as leading him on his path of destruction. In fact, it was revealed that she was actually tricking Diablo into doing her bidding by making him believe he could fulfill his father’s wishes and become a god himself through destruction of Sanctuary. She then would help Diablo achieve this goal by providing him with his famed sword and armor, but this wouldn’t work out well for either of them as they were both defeated together by a group of heroes in Tristram Cathedral.

There are many theories about what will happen next in the story since they have decided not to include any more single-player campaigns after Reaper of Souls’ expansion pack came out back in 2014 (it takes place five years after). Whether or not another game will come out remains unknown at this time, but if one does come out then we can expect it to focus heavily on Lilith’s backstory since she had no involvement whatsoever during Reaper’s storyline!


In conclusion, Diablo IV will most likely continue the story of Lilith and Diablo II. We can expect this new game to explore how these two characters interact with each other after their defeat at the hands of our heroes in Tristram Cathedral. It would also be interesting to see how they plan on making their way back into Sanctuary after being exiled by angels who cast them out onto an unknown world filled with demons as well as other dangers such as The Burning Hells themselves!

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