Mastering the Art of Strategy: A Guide to RTS Games - GamesTopia

Mastering the Art of Strategy: A Guide to RTS Games

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The world of RTS gaming is vast and exciting. Over the years, there have been many great RTS games that have captured our imagination and won a place in our hearts. For example, Command & Conquer, StarCraft and Age of Empires are all classic games that helped define what an RTS is today. If you’re new to this genre of games or want to expand your horizons beyond these titles then here’s how you can do it!

RTS games are a great way to spend time with friends and family. The competitive nature of these games can lead to some heated moments, but this is nothing compared to what you’ll experience when playing an RTS game online against another human player.

If you’re looking for something more relaxed, try playing an RTS game offline. You can even choose from different difficulty settings that will allow your opponent less time or resources than you have available during the match!

RTS games provide players with opportunities to develop strategic thinking skills by requiring them to plan ahead and anticipate their opponent’s moves before making their own decisions about how best to respond in order for their team (or themselves) win the match at hand

The Basics of RTS Gaming

RTS games are real-time strategy games. In other words, they’re played in real time: you have to make quick decisions, execute them quickly and adapt to whatever changes your opponent makes.

RTS games come in many different flavors and offer a wide range of gameplay styles. There are RTS titles that focus on building up a base while others focus on fighting against an opponent with units you command directly. Some games allow players to build up their army while others force them into direct combat right away (some even let you switch between modes).

The most popular platforms for playing RTS games are PC/Mac computers or laptops since many modern PCs have powerful graphics cards that can handle the intense graphics requirements of these types of titles; however there are also mobile versions available for smart devices such as smartphones or tablets if none of these options suit your needs!

How to get into RTS gaming

To start playing RTS games, you should read the manual and play the tutorial. You’ll learn about all the different units, buildings and resources in your game. You can also try different strategies on different maps with various units.

After you have mastered one or two games, it’s time to move on to another one!

Choose your game wisely

There are many RTS games out there, and while they all have their own strengths, they also have weaknesses.

To start with the obvious: if you don’t like strategy games in general or haven’t played them before then maybe this isn’t the right genre for you! Don’t worry though; there are plenty of other games out there that might be more suited to your tastes.

When choosing which RTS game(s) to play there are several key factors that should be considered: community size; support; tutorials and learning materials; graphics quality; music quality (if applicable).

Understanding how to play RTS games

Before you can master the art of strategy, you need to understand how RTS games work.

  • Understand the game’s mechanics: An RTS game is like a machine with many moving parts that you must learn how to use correctly if you want to succeed. Before playing any type of real-time strategy game, spend some time studying its interface and controls so that when it comes time for action, your mind isn’t bogged down by confusion or uncertainty about how things work. For example, in StarCraft 2 (SC2), units have different types of attacks depending on whether they are ground-based or air-based or anti-aircraft–and knowing which type of unit can do what damage is crucial for success!
  • Understand objectives: Different maps have different objectives based on their size and layout; these objectives range from destroying all enemy buildings/units within an area known as “base” (in most cases) all the way up through killing every single opponent player in multiplayer mode!

Play the game you love!

There are many factors to consider when choosing a game. First, ask yourself “what do I want to play?” If you have a strong preference for one genre over another, then go with it! Maybe you love strategy games and don’t care about anything else. Or maybe FPS is more your speed and all other genres pale in comparison. You could also try out an RTS game that has been highly recommended by friends or family members–or even just based on its good reviews online.

Whatever the case may be, there are several things worth considering before making your final decision:

  • Play the game that YOU want (and can afford) – This is perhaps the most important factor because if something isn’t fun at first, chances are high that it won’t get any better later on down the road either; if we’re not enjoying ourselves while playing these titles then why should anyone else waste their time? The point here is simple: find something enjoyable enough so as not only enjoy themselves but also keep coming back over again!

Learning how to play a new RTS game can be challenging but if you have fun along the way, it’s worth it.

You will learn a lot about yourself and your gaming preferences. RTS games are fun, so enjoy the journey!


RTS games are a great way to test your strategic skills and have fun at the same time. They’re also a great way to connect with friends and family who share your love of gaming! If you’re looking for more information on how to play RTS games, check out our blog post here.

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