The Ultimate Guide to Character Customization in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn - GamesTopia

The Ultimate Guide to Character Customization in Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn

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Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn is a classic role-playing game (RPG) that takes place in the Forgotten Realms universe. It was released in 2000 and was developed by BioWare. The game is part of the Baldur’s Gate series, which also includes its precursor, Baldur’s Gate, as well as its sequel, Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal. The third installment in this series was canceled due to financial difficulties at Interplay Entertainment at the time of development; however, it was later rebooted by Overhaul Games under the name Baldur’s Gate III: Enhanced Edition—though this game has not yet been released either!

Choosing a Race

Choosing a race is an important step in character creation. Each race has different abilities and bonuses, as well as different starting attributes (Strength, Dexterity, etc.). Some races also have alignment restrictions that can affect how you play your game.

Races with a favored class will receive +1 hit point or +1 skill point every time they gain a level in that class. This means that if you want to be an assassin or monk later on down the line, it may be worth choosing one of these races!

Each race has its own language which gives them access to special dialogue options when interacting with NPCs who speak only their native tongue–you’ll need this if you ever want to talk with elves!

Choosing a Class

Choosing a class is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn, as it determines your character’s skillset, abilities and alignment. There are 13 different classes to choose from, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. While some are better suited for certain playstyles than others (for example, fighters have more hit points than mages), it’s important that you select a class that suits you personally so that you can enjoy playing through the game as much as possible!

To help guide your decision-making process when selecting a new character build in Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows Of Amn we’ve created this handy guide explaining what each class offers players looking for something different from their fantasy role-playing experience…

Choosing Gender and Alignment

As you’ll soon discover, Baldur’s Gate II is a game that offers plenty of opportunities to develop your character. In addition to choosing what class and race you want for your protagonist, you can also select their gender and alignment.

Alignment refers to how good or evil your character is: lawful good (LG), neutral good (NG), chaotic good (CG), lawful neutral (LN), true neutral (TN) or chaotic neutral (CN). Changing alignment isn’t as simple as picking one option over another–it requires careful consideration on whether this change is right for your party member and ultimately affects how NPCs react with him or her during conversations throughout the game.

Changing gender also comes with its own set of pros and cons that are often overlooked by players who don’t realize just how much it changes what kind of role models they’re playing as in this fantasy world full of elves, dwarves and halflings!

Selecting Stats, Spells and Abilities

When you begin a new game, you have the option of customizing your character’s stats, spells and abilities. This can be done by opening up the character creation screen and selecting each category individually. However, if you are not sure what each statistic means or how it affects gameplay then it may be difficult to make an informed decision about how much importance should be placed on them while building your character’s skillset.

This section will explain what each stat does so that when making your choices later on in this process you will have more information at hand when deciding which stats should receive more points than others

Selecting Skills and Feats

When you level up, you will be able to select one skill point and one feat. You can also do this when creating your character by using the “Class/Character Creation” option in the main menu.

You have several options when choosing skills:

  • Selecting from a list of pre-defined skills (the game will automatically assign them to your class)
  • Creating custom skills by combining existing ones

And here are some examples of feats:

  • Weapon Proficiency: Weapon Focus (Longsword)

A lot of customization options are available in Baldur’s Gate II

You can choose your race, class, gender, alignment and stats. Then you’ll have to decide what skills and feats you want for your character as well as spells and abilities.

There is a lot of different types of characters that can be played through the game; some examples are warrior (fighter) or thief but there are also many other classes like cleric or mage which allow you to use magic spells if they have high enough intelligence scores at least 18+ points per level up period so make sure you keep that in mind when creating new characters!


We hope this guide has helped you understand the character creation process in Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn.

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