Essential Tips for Surviving in ARK: Survival Evolved - GamesTopia

Essential Tips for Surviving in ARK: Survival Evolved

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One of the many things that make ARK: Survival Evolved so unique is its focus on survival. Sure, some players might like building giant bases and exploring their way across the game’s massive world, but for others (like me), it’s all about staying alive in this harsh environment as long as possible. Here are some tips for getting started with or improving your skills at surviving in ARK: Survival Evolved:

What you need to know about the game

The Tribe System:

ARK has a unique tribe system that allows you to create your own tribe, join one and make new friends. You can also chat with other players from across the world in your tribe chat channel! If you want to find a good tribe and make some friends on the island, read on for some tips on how to do so!

The different ways of building

Before you start building, it is important to know the different ways of building. Building a base is the most common way of building in ARK: Survival Evolved. It’s also the most important part of your game as you will spend most of your time there.

Building a house can be done with any material that can be found on the island (wooden planks, stone bricks etc.). Houses are useful because they give you protection from other players and dinosaurs alike as well as providing storage space for all those items that take up space in your inventory but aren’t necessary for survival when exploring outside of your home base.

Rafts are another way to create transportation across water bodies such as rivers or oceans without having to swim constantly which would drain stamina faster than normal movement speed would do so by using a raft instead makes it easier not only when exploring but also during combat situations where fast movement speed could mean life or death!

Caves offer shelter against weather conditions such as rainstorms which may cause damage if left unprotected during these events so make sure yours has some kind smartly placed torches inside just incase something happens while sleeping peacefully away from civilization.”

How to tame and tame again

Taming is done by feeding a dinosaur. You can feed it a number of different types of food, including berries and raw meat.

If you want to tame again, you will need more food than before and your dinosaur must be hungry. If it isn’t hungry enough, then it won’t accept the new food from you and will continue attacking until either its hunger bar is full or it dies from hunger damage over time (which happens if their health bar reaches zero).

You can also tame a dinosaur that is already tamed as long as it isn’t being ridden by another player or dino at the time; otherwise they will stop moving away from them until they are removed from their ride first!

How to level up fast in ARK Survival Evolved

If you’re looking to level up fast, there are two ways you can do so. The first is the experience booster. This item grants a 100% experience boost for an entire hour and can be found in supply drops or purchased at high-level stores.

The second way is by leveling up slowly over time through normal play. This requires more patience than simply purchasing an item from a store, but it also allows players who are not willing to pay real money for their progress in the game a chance at leveling up quickly without breaking the bank!

Taming dinosaurs and other animals in ARK: Survival Evolved.

When you first spawn in ARK: Survival Evolved, you will not have any tamed animals. In order to tame a dinosaur or other animal, you will need to use an item called a Saddle (which can be crafted at a level 2 Smithy). You can then ride the creature by getting on top of it and pressing E on PC or A on Xbox One.

Once you have tamed your first dinosaur or other animal, there are many things that can be done with them! For example, they can carry items for you while exploring new areas; they can help defend your base from hostile players; they make great companions when exploring caves and other dark places; some even provide buffs when nearby (for example: having a Rex nearby will increase damage resistance).

What are engrams? And how do they work in ARK Survival Evolved?

In ARK: Survival Evolved, engrams are essentially a type of “skill tree.” They allow you to unlock new abilities and upgrades for your character.

There are four types of engrams in the game:

  • Crafted Engram – These can be purchased from supply drops or unlocked by doing research at an Inventor’s Table. They’re usually more expensive than other types but they tend to be more powerful as well. For example, if you craft an Electric Prod (a weapon), it will cost around 2k metal fragments but when you unlock this item via an electric prod engram, it only costs about 500 metal fragments instead! The downside is that these items take longer than usual since they need time before being completed after being researched first… so keep that in mind before deciding whether or not getting one would benefit your character long term rather than short term usage only such as combat situations where speed matters most.”

These tips will help you survive in ARK.

  • Keep an eye on your hunger and thirst.
  • Know where to find berries, berries are very useful in the game and can help you survive a lot longer than if you didn’t have them.
  • Know how to make fire, it will also help you survive much longer than if you didn’t know how to make fire or had no wood at all!


We hope that these tips have helped you to get a better understanding of how to survive in ARK: Survival Evolved. The game is full of amazing features, but we think these are some of the most important ones to know about. If you follow this guide and use it as a reference when playing ARK, then there’s no doubt that your gameplay experience will be more enjoyable than ever before!

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