The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Battlerite: Pro Tips and Strategies - GamesTopia

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Battlerite: Pro Tips and Strategies


Battlerite is a game that requires you to be strategic and think ahead. This means that every decision you make in the game should have a reason behind it. You should know when to use certain abilities, how to counter other players with specific strategies, and what items will benefit you most in battle. As such, we’ve assembled some of our best tips for playing Battlerite in one place—from basic gameplay mechanics through advanced strategies for winning a match.

The Best Battlerite Champions

Battlerite Champions are grouped into three categories: Frontline, Damage and Support. The Frontline Champions are the tanks of the game who can take a lot of damage while dealing out moderate amounts of damage themselves. These include Croak (frog), Jade (cat) and Sirius (wolf). Damage Champions focus on dealing high amounts of damage from long range or up close with their abilities; they tend to be squishy but have high mobility to avoid getting hit by enemy attacks as much as possible. Examples include Ashka(dragon), Pearl(penguin) or Rook(mechanical bird). Finally Support Champions provide additional utility through crowd control effects or healing abilities; these characters are often very flexible in terms of their build paths because they don’t need any specific items like other classes do

How to Play Old and New Battlerite Champions

For old champions, there are some changes since their last update that you should be aware of before jumping right in. The most obvious one is the fact that they no longer have ultimate abilities–instead, they have been replaced with a second charge on their regular abilities (they still have an ultimate). This means that if you’re used to playing an old champion and want to know how it works now, all you need do is press R1 again! It’s as simple as that!

For new champions… well… let’s start from the beginning: which ones should I play first?

How to Win a Match in Battlerite

To win a match, you need to make good use of your abilities, cooldowns and ultimates.

  • Use your abilities effectively:
  • You should be using your basic attacks as often as possible because they inflict damage on the enemy while also helping you build up energy for using more powerful abilities.
  • Use shields or heals when necessary. You can block incoming attacks with shields and heal yourself or teammates when health gets low enough that it’s important to keep them alive for longer periods of time than normal gameplay allows for (i.e., not dying).
  • Make good use of your cooldowns: This means knowing which skills work best in certain situations so that when those situations arise again later on during a match of Battlerite–or even another one–you’ll know exactly what should happen next time around!

How to Use Champions in the Right Order

A good way to start a game is by choosing champions that are strong against your opponent’s picks. This will allow you to gain an early advantage and help you snowball into victory.

For example, if an enemy player picks Ying (a melee assassin) into your team’s composition, it’s best not to pick another melee champion such as Ashka because they will both be vulnerable against ranged attacks and abilities. Instead, pick either Varesh or Jumong who can deal significant damage without being in range of the enemy’s abilities or attacks.

Tips for Playing Solo Queue

  • Play against players with similar skill level.
  • Make sure you’re not playing against a team of people who have been playing together for a long time.
  • Focus on the champion that you are good at and play them well, but don’t feel like you need to be good at every single role in order to succeed in Battlerite! If it helps, just focus on one or two roles until they become natural for you before moving onto something else.

As you become more familiar with these tips, you’ll be able to get the most out of your gameplay.

To get started, make sure that you’re playing a character that fits your play style and is comfortable for you. Then, find a Battlerite strategy guide that matches up with your skill level. As long as you practice what they teach and don’t give up, there’s no reason why anyone can’t master Battlerite!


Battlerite is a game that will take some time to master, but it’s worth the effort. Once you know how to play each champion and how they fit into your team composition, you can start winning more matches!


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