How to Master the Art of Gunplay in Borderlands 2 - GamesTopia

How to Master the Art of Gunplay in Borderlands 2


In this guide to Borderlands 2, we’ll cover the basics of gunplay in Borderlands 2, including guns, combat techniques and strategies.

This guide to Borderlands 2 is aimed at helping new players learn the basics of playing the game.

This game is a first person shooter, meaning that you see your character and the world through his eyes. You shoot at enemies with guns and use other weapons like grenades or melee attacks, but you can also pick up items in the world and use them as weapons as well.

In this article, we will cover the basics of gunplay in Borderlands 2, including guns, combat techniques, and strategies.

Guns are the primary weapons of your character and they can be used to attack enemies at range or up close. Each one has its own stats that determine how effective it is at dealing damage and how much ammo you’ll need to fire before reloading. There are three types of weapons: pistols (short range), rifles (mid range), shotguns (close range). You can also use grenades which have an even shorter range than pistols but can be thrown over walls or behind cover when needed! Each type comes equipped with either elemental effects (such as fire) or status effects such as poison or corrosive acid damage depending on what weapon you’re using at any given time during combat situations. For example if an enemy is weak against corrosive acid then shooting them with a corrosive acid weapon will do more damage than if shot by another kind instead!

Combat Techniques – How to Master Gunplay in Borderlands 2

  • How to use guns effectively
  • What the right gun for the right situation is
  • How to deal with shields
  • How to deal with multiple enemies at once

Shooting with a weapon is based on two things: how much damage you deal per shot and how effective that weapon is against its target’s armor level.

Damage per shot is the amount of damage your gun does in one shot. The higher the number, the better. Guns can also have critical hit bonuses (which increase damage by 50%), elemental effects (like fire or electric), or both!

Armor level refers to how much damage reduction your target has against certain types of attacks. Most enemies will have an equal amount of health and shield capacity so it’s important that you know what kind of weapons work best against them before attacking head-on–otherwise all those bullets will be for nothing!

There are two types of damage types for guns in Borderlands 2. Physical damage is represented by a circle icon, while elemental damage is represented by an icon shaped like a flame or a lightning bolt.

Physical Damage: This type of damage is based on the weapon’s base damage and its physical damage stat. The higher your weapon’s physical stat, the more powerful it will be when using non-elemental attacks.

Elemental Damage: While this attribute isn’t as important as others when choosing which weapons to use in combat, it can still come in handy during certain situations (such as against enemies weak to fire).

The most important thing to know about gunplay in Borderlands 2 is when dealing with enemies who have shields.

  • If you’re fighting an enemy with a shield, use a weapon that deals physical damage.
  • If you’re fighting an enemy with no shield, and they have a lot of health left, use a weapon that deals elemental damage.
  • If you’re fighting an enemy who has both shields and high health remaining, use explosive weapons like rocket launchers or grenades as well as incendiary guns like shotguns or pistols (as long as they don’t have a low fire rate).

There can be a lot going on during combat–especially if you’re facing multiple enemies at once–so it’s important to prioritize your targets so that you don’t get overwhelmed or waste time on enemies who aren’t really threatening you.

Prioritize your targets. It can be easy to get carried away and waste time on enemies who aren’t really threatening you, but in general it’s best to focus on the ones that are most likely to kill you first. If there are multiple enemies in front of you, try prioritizing them from left-to-right or top-to-bottom based on where they stand relative to one another (i.e., the closest one is at the bottom). If there are only two enemies and one has a higher health bar than the other, take out that higher-health foe first–he’ll do more damage if he gets close enough for melee attacks (or even just shoots at point blank range).

Learning how to master the art of gunplay in Borderlands 2 will make your game experience more enjoyable and rewarding

  • Make sure you are familiar with the basics of how to play the game. This includes understanding character classes, weapons and equipment, enemy types, level progression, etc. If you don’t know these things already then it may be worth playing through the campaign once or twice just so that you get an idea of what everything does. You can also read our Borderlands 2 Beginner’s Guide which covers many aspects of playing this game effectively!
  • Focus on learning how to use weapons that are effective against your enemies (damage per second) as well as shielded enemies (shields). If there are multiple enemies around then prioritize them based on threat level: high health/low damage -> medium health/medium damage -> low health/high damage -> shielded enemies last because their shields will recharge after taking enough damage from any source before dying again anyway!


We hope that this guide has helped you learn the basics of gunplay in Borderlands 2. If you want to get better at shooting, make sure that you practice with different weapons and try out different strategies until you find what works best for your playstyle.


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