How to Climb the Ranks in Arena of Valor: A Comprehensive Strategy - GamesTopia

How to Climb the Ranks in Arena of Valor: A Comprehensive Strategy

Arena of Valor, or AoV, is a MOBA that’s widely praised for its fast-paced gameplay and unique characters. With so many different heroes to choose from, new players often feel overwhelmed when they start off in the arena. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive strategy that you can use while climbing the ranks as a beginner in Arena of Valor (AoV).

The best place to get started is with a checklist.

. Checklists are not just for the pros, but they can be very useful in helping you achieve your goals. You can use them to keep track of daily tasks, organize your ideas and make sure that you don’t forget anything important.

Recognize that everyone has different strengths.

While it’s important to recognize that your opponents are trying to beat you at their own game, it’s also crucial not to get frustrated if someone seems to be doing better than you. There are so many different ways of playing Arena of Valor that there is no single “right” way of doing things. While some players may prefer building up an army over time and then rushing in with a powerful late-game composition, other players will focus on getting as many kills as possible early on by focusing entirely on DPS characters like Assassin and Marksman (the latter being a very popular choice).

If you find yourself struggling with certain aspects of the game–say you have difficulty last hitting creeps–it could be because there are other characters who excel at farming over time; these would make great additions to your team composition! Or perhaps another player has found success with a particular strategy such as tower diving or split pushing; these tactics might not work well for them personally but could give insight into how others think about strategy

Know your enemy, know thyself.

The first step to climbing the ranks in Arena of Valor is knowing your enemy and yourself. This may sound like an obvious statement, but it’s easy to overlook this when you’re playing a game that requires so much focus on your own performance. When playing ranked matches, it’s crucial that you know what kind of player you are, what your strengths are and where your weaknesses lie. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from playing AOV for so long, it’s that this will help determine whether or not you end up winning any given match.

If we break down our knowledge into two categories: ourselves as individuals and our team mates/opponents (I’ll refer to them interchangeably), then we can begin building our strategies based on how well all parties involved know themselves and each other.

Focus on your own skills, not others’.

  • Focus on your own skills, not others’.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for advice.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for criticism.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for a second opinion.

Embrace RNG, but don’t rely on it.

RNG is a part of the game, but you can’t rely on it.

RNG is a factor in every match and you can’t control it.

You can use RNG to your advantage, but you need to be aware of it and how it affects your playstyle and strategy.

Learn how to adapt as the game changes around you.

  • Adapting to new game updates
  • Adapting to new meta
  • Adapting to new champion releases
  • Adapting to new champion buffs and nerfs

Practice makes perfect, but only if you’re practicing the right things for your playstyle!

When it comes to improving your skills in Arena of Valor, there’s one thing that you should always keep in mind: practice makes perfect. The only way for you to get better at the game is by playing more games and learning from your mistakes. But what does it mean when we say “practice”? And how can you practice correctly?

To answer those questions, let me give you an example: suppose that I am a player who plays as a ranged AD Carry (the type of character who shoots things with their gun). This means that my main role in battle is to attack enemies from afar while staying out of harm’s way–but if someone gets too close, I have some tools at my disposal which allow me to deal damage up close as well. Now suppose that this same person wants to improve his skills so he can climb higher on the ranks list each day; he needs something specific before going into battle against other players online!

As a beginner in Arena of Valor, you need to be able to adapt quickly and understand what your strengths and weaknesses are in order to be successful.

This is especially true when playing against other players with more experience than you.

Knowing how strong or weak you are will help inform how you play the game, which can make all the difference between winning or losing matches. If your hero isn’t strong at taking down towers or killing other heroes (or vice versa), then maybe it’s best not to engage in those types of fights until later on in the match when everyone has had time for their items/gold gain rates have increased enough so that they’re more likely going up against an enemy team that isn’t as powerful than theirs yet still has room left over for improvement upon reaching full strength later on down road!


As a beginner in Arena of Valor, you need to be able to adapt quickly and understand what your strengths and weaknesses are in order to be successful. The best way to do this is by checking out our tips above and making sure that they apply specifically to your playstyle. If they don’t? Then it might be time for some experimentation!


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