A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking Hidden Secrets in Horizon Zero Dawn - GamesTopia

A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking Hidden Secrets in Horizon Zero Dawn


Are you a die-hard Horizon Zero Dawn fan? Do you love researching game lore and uncovering secrets? Do you have an insatiable thirst for knowledge about Aloy, her companions, and the world of HZD? Well then, this article is for you! We’ve put together a detailed guide to help unlock all the hidden aspects of this beautiful game

Complete the game

If you want to get everything out of Horizon Zero Dawn, then you’ll need to complete the game and collect all of the lorestones. In addition, unlock all tribes and skills for Aloy as well as kill every machine at least once.

Find all lorestones

Lorestones are collectible items you’ll find scattered throughout Aloy’s world. They’re not always easy to spot, but if you keep a keen eye out for them, you’ll be able to unlock the secrets of Horizon Zero Dawn’s past and learn more about how this world came to be.

While lorestones can be collected in any order and at any time during your playthrough of Horizon Zero Dawn, we recommend finding all of them before completing the game’s main quest line (and thus unlocking New Game Plus). This will allow you more freedom when selecting which side quests or errands from NPCs you wish to undertake next.

Take control of all tribes

There are three tribes that you can take control of. The Nora, Carja and Oseram.

To take control of a tribe, you must complete their side quests. This will give you the option to ally with them or not at the end of each quest line. Completing all three sets of side quests will give you an option to become War-Chief of either the Nora or Carja tribes (depending on what order they were completed). If your goal is simply to unlock this achievement then I would recommend completing all 3 main story quests first before moving on to these side quests because they do require some level grinding before being able to complete them successfully (unless you have high level weapons).

Unlock all upgrades for your weapons and outfits

To unlock all upgrades for your weapons and outfits, you’re going to have to do some serious exploring. There are a lot of upgrades in Horizon Zero Dawn and some are easier to find than others. You can find them in the world or buy them from merchants, but there are also hidden ones that will require a bit of extra effort on your part.

Get to know Aloy’s machine hunting skills

The first thing you need to know is that you can’t get all machine parts by just shooting them. If you want to get the most out of Horizon Zero Dawn, you’ll need to approach each encounter carefully and use stealth tactics whenever possible.

The second thing: Aloy has a lot of tools at her disposal. The most important one is the Focus, which allows her to see through objects (including machines) and pinpoint weak points in their armor or circuitry–but there are other ways she can help herself during fights as well:

Kill every machine in the game at least once

When you’re out in the world, you can kill any machine at any time. You don’t have to go through a specific quest or objective to unlock this secret. The only thing that matters is that you kill them once, and then they’re dead forever.

It doesn’t matter what weapon or outfit you use; it doesn’t matter if they are hostile or not; it doesn’t matter if they’ve already been defeated by another player–if there’s an enemy out there somewhere with health bars over their heads, then they will die if they get hit by something damaging enough (even if it’s just one bullet).

HZD has a lot to unlock, even when it comes to finding secrets.

Horizon Zero Dawn has a lot to unlock, even when it comes to finding secrets. Some of the game’s hidden content can be found by completing the game, others by finding lorestones. Others are unlocked by completing side quests or killing machines. You can also unlock some secrets by upgrading your weapons and outfits.


The great thing about HZD is that there are so many different ways to play it. You can focus on just one aspect of the game, or all of them at once–whatever works best for you! And if you’re looking for more Horizon Zero Dawn guides, check out our other articles on how to unlock hidden secrets in this epic title.


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