A Beginner's Guide to Crusader Kings How to Start Your Dynasty - GamesTopia

A Beginner’s Guide to Crusader Kings How to Start Your Dynasty

Crusader Kings II is a strategy game set in medieval Europe. You play as the ruler of an empire and must expand your holdings and secure your territory. But how do you get started? This guide will help you get started with Crusader Kings II, from creating your character to securing your power base.

How to Start Your Dynasty

To start your dynasty, there are a few things you’ll need to do. First, choose a name for your character. Next, choose an appearance for them: male or female? What color hair do they have? What about their eyes? Do they wear glasses? And finally, go through the tutorial on game mechanics–including traits and skills–to get acquainted with how Crusader Kings II works. You may also want to take some time finding coats of arms for each member of your family tree before building up any titles or holdings; this will help them stand out from other players when they’re vying for positions within society!

Crusader Kings II is a strategy game set in medieval Europe.

It’s a grand strategy game, which means that it has an expansive map and allows you to play as one of dozens of different rulers with their own goals and ambitions.

The setting of Crusader Kings II is historical: it depicts events that really happened during this time period–the Hundred Years’ War, the Crusades (hence the name), etc.–and there are even real people like King Richard I of England or Saladin who appear in your playthroughs as well!

You start as the ruler of an empire and must expand your holdings and secure your territory.

You start the game as the ruler of an empire, with your own title and holdings. Your goal is to expand those holdings by conquering new lands, establishing trade routes and alliances with other players. In order to do this successfully, you must maintain control over your territory by keeping it safe from enemy attacks or invasion attempts.

If you want to play Crusader Kings II: A Beginner’s Guide To Start Your Dynasty but don’t have time right now (or maybe never will), then check out our list of best strategy games on PC!

But how do you get started?

  • Choose a starting point on the map. There are several different options available:
  • Play as yourself (the default option). This will allow you to play through as yourself and create an entire family tree with all its associated benefits and drawbacks. This is best for players who have experience playing Crusader Kings 2 and want something more challenging than just making friends with everyone else in their world by gifting them money every day.
  • Play as someone else–anyone from historical figures like Charlemagne or Genghis Khan up through modern celebrities like Kanye West or Taylor Swift! If this sounds appealing but still too difficult for beginners, consider playing as one of these characters instead:

This guide will help you get started with Crusader Kings II, from creating your character to securing your power base.

First, you’ll need to create a character by selecting a dynasty and then choosing one of the available portraits. You can also choose a coat of arms if you want–they’re not required but they are fun! Once that’s done, the game will take you through its extensive tutorial on game mechanics including traits and skills. When it comes time for combat strategy in battle (if any), just follow what I’ve written here:

Creating Your Character

Creating your character is the first step in setting up your dynasty. You can choose a name for your character, as well as a coat of arms for your family’s crest. The tutorial will teach you how to use traits and skills, which are special abilities that can be unlocked throughout the game.

Create a name for your character and choose his appearance.

To start, you must choose a name for your character. This will be the name that appears on screen every time he speaks or narrates his actions. You can also choose his appearance, including hair color and eye color.

You’ll also want to choose an age for your character–this will affect his stats (more on this later). Finally, if you want him to have certain traits in common with other Crusaders Kings characters from previous games in the series (or even some of those found only within Crusader Kings 3), select those here as well!

Choose a coat of arms for your dynasty.

To start your dynasty, you’ll need to choose a coat of arms. This can be any symbol or design that represents your character and their story. The coat of arms is unique to every player; it cannot be copied by others, so it’s important to pick something that will distinguish your family from others in the game.

The good news is that if you change your mind about which symbol best represents who you are as a player (or even what kind of animal or creature might suitably represent them), Crusader Kings II allows players who have unlocked certain features through gameplay or DLC purchase options to change their coats at any time during play!

Go through the tutorial on game mechanics, including traits and skills.

The tutorial is an important part of the game. It’s the first step on your journey, and it will teach you how to use all of the mechanics in Crusader Kings II. The best way to learn about these mechanics is by playing through them yourself, so get out there and start building your dynasty!

Creating your character is one of the first steps to starting or improving your dynasty in Crusader Kings II

You can choose between one of three different character models, and then customize their appearance further with hair color and facial features. After that, you have the option to go through a short tutorial on game mechanics–which introduces concepts like traits, skills, and attributes–or skip it entirely if you already know what you’re doing.

Once that’s done with (or if you skipped it), it’s time for choosing traits! Traits are passive abilities that affect how characters behave in various situations; they range from things like “Strong” or “Gregarious” all the way up through “Lame”, which reduces movement speed by 20%. If there are any traits your ruler needs right now due to their position within society (for example: being an illegitimate son) then those will appear at random instead when creating him/her so be sure not miss them out!


Now that you know how to start your dynasty, it’s time to get started! The world of Crusader Kings II is full of opportunities and challenges for you. You can choose from many different characters with different skillsets and traits, but no matter who you play as, there will always be something new ahead.


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