7 Tips for Building the Ultimate Base in 7 Days to Die - GamesTopia

7 Tips for Building the Ultimate Base in 7 Days to Die


You’ve been playing 7 days to die, and you’re ready to build the ultimate base. But where do you start? The answer, as with most things in life, is planning. In this guide we’ll cover everything from blueprints to storage and beyond so that you can create a kick-ass base without having to worry about zombies eating your brains (or anything else).

Plan your base with a blueprint

We’ve all been there: you’re in the middle of building a house, and suddenly realize you don’t have enough space. Or maybe it’s not that dramatic–maybe you just want to make sure that your base is as well-planned and efficient as possible. Either way, this is where blueprints come in handy.

Using blueprints can help ensure that your base has enough room for all the important things like crafting tables and storage chests. Blueprints also make sure that there are enough windows to let light into dark corners where zombies might lurk!

Even if you’re experienced at building bases in 7 Days To Die (7DTD), it never hurts to take stock every once in awhile and make sure everything is set up properly before moving on with construction projects

Make sure there’s plenty of room for expansion

As you build your base, it’s important to keep in mind that you will need to expand it at some point. It’s better to plan for this expansion when first building your base than having to start over later on.

There are many ways you can go about expanding your current structure:

  • Building an additional room onto an existing building (such as a garage or shed)
  • Adding on another floor above or below the main floor (if there is already one)
  • Creating new structures adjacent to your current ones (like creating a greenhouse next door)

Consider natural defenses like hills and rocks

As you can see in the image above, there are many natural defenses that can be used to help you avoid zombies. Natural defenses are also useful for avoiding other players, should they decide to attack you or your base.

As you can also see in this image, there are even more natural defenses available in 7 Days to Die! These will help protect against bears as well as zombies and other players who might want nothing more than to destroy your home and take all of its loot away from them forever!

Don’t forget to add crafting tables, chests, and other areas for personal storage.

In order to build the ultimate base, you are going to need some crafting tables and chests. Crafting tables are used for making items and chests allow you to store your items in them. You can’t carry everything around in your backpack! If you want a place where all of your stuff is stored safely away from zombies, build yourself a chest room with at least one or two chests inside it so that everything is secure when not being used by players.

Make sure you have plenty of windows, especially if you’re playing in a daylight-only server.

The first thing you’ll need to do is make sure that your base has plenty of windows. Windows are important for defense, but they’re also great for visibility and light. You can’t see zombies from inside a building, but if there are no windows in the walls then they will be able to see into your base! This means that if someone finds themselves outside during dusk/dawn (when it’s too dark) or during the day (when it’s too bright), they could easily be spotted by a wandering horde of zombies.

Don’t forget to build a safe area outside your base where you can store supplies when they respawn.

This is an important step that many people overlook. You need to consider what will happen if you die and lose your gear, or if it becomes damaged in some way. The last thing you want is for all of your hard work building up this base to be lost when something like this happens!

This guide will help you build the ultimate base in 7 days to die

  • Make sure you have plenty of windows.
  • Make sure you have plenty of storage.
  • Make sure you have a safe area outside your base, preferably with natural defenses like rocks or trees that will slow down zombies as they approach your home base from the outside world.
  • You should also make sure that each room in your base has its own blueprint so that if one area is overrun by zombies, it won’t ruin the whole thing and leave you homeless!


We hope you found this guide helpful, and that it will help you build the ultimate base in 7 days to die.


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