Reasons Why Titanfall 2 is the Best Shooter Game of the Year - GamesTopia

Reasons Why Titanfall 2 is the Best Shooter Game of the Year


Titanfall 2 is the best shooter game of 2016. It’s also the only game that feels like you’re playing a movie (and not just because it has Hollywood stars voicing characters). The single-player campaign is one of the best we’ve ever seen in a shooter, and it’s even better as a multiplayer experience. The multiplayer modes are varied and fun, with more maps than any other shooter on shelves right now. In addition to all these reasons why Titanfall 2 is an amazing game, it also has one of my favorite video game soundtracks ever—and I’m not even talking about its licensed music tracks!

It’s the only game in its genre that feels like you’re playing a movie.

Titanfall 2 is the best shooter game of the year. It has an awesome single-player campaign, a great multiplayer mode and it even has a great soundtrack.

I hope that we can all agree on this fact: Titanfall 2 is an excellent game. The gameplay is smooth and fun with lots of customization options for your pilot character and their weapons as well as plenty of different Titans to choose from (each with their own unique abilities). The graphics are pretty good too; they’re not mind blowing but they get the job done nicely!

If you haven’t played Titanfall 2 yet then I highly recommend picking up a copy today!

The single-player campaign is one of the best we’ve ever seen in a shooter.

It’s fun, engaging and full of memorable moments. The story follows Jack Cooper as he tries to become a pilot for the IMC while also uncovering some sinister secrets about his mentor, Captain Lastimosa (voiced by Mr. Robot’s Christian Slater). The characters are great; each has their own personality and quirks that make them stand out from one another.

The voice acting is fantastic too–it may sound like an odd thing to praise but it really helps make you feel more invested in this world than any other game has managed before now. Even when you’re not playing as your titan (more on those later), there are still plenty of exciting moments that keep things interesting throughout your playthroughs

The multiplayer is better than its predecessor by leaps and bounds.

The first Titanfall’s multiplayer was good, but it had some glaring issues that hampered the experience. For example, there was only one mode–Attrition–and it was all about killing other players and AI-controlled enemies as quickly as possible. This led to players rushing straight into battle without any strategy or thoughtfulness; they just wanted to get kills as soon as possible so they could proceed through the match faster and earn more points.

The new game offers five different modes: Free For All (FFA), Pilot vs Pilot (PVP), Last Titan Standing (LTS), Bounty Hunt and Attrition Pure Mode. Each one of these changes how you play the game by adding objectives or restricting certain weapons so that players have to think tactically during their matches instead of just mindlessly running around shooting people with rockets until someone kills them first.

It has a killer soundtrack.

The soundtrack is a mix of EDM and hip-hop, but it’s also very much in the background. It’s not something you notice right away because it’s there to help set the mood, not draw attention to itself. The music is used as part of an experience rather than as something separate from it–it helps tell the story and create a sense of urgency and tension while also helping set an emotional tone for each level.

The songs are often reminiscent of those found in modern action movies (think Jason Bourne), with lots of strings instruments like violins playing over electronic beats that bring out strong emotions like excitement or anxiety depending on what kind of scene you’re experiencing at any given time during gameplay.

Titanfall 2 is a great return to form for EA and Respawn Entertainment, who have created what many players consider to be the best shooter game of 2016.

The original Titanfall was criticized for its lack of content and shallow gameplay mechanics that made it feel like an incomplete game. However, with Titanfall 2 EA has addressed these issues by adding new modes such as Bounty Hunt (which is similar to Call Of Duty’s Zombies mode) as well as new weapons and abilities that allow players more customization options than ever before. This has allowed them to create some truly unique experiences within each match while also making sure that everyone feels like they have something important at stake when playing online against other people or AI controlled bots


We think that Titanfall 2 is one of the best games of the year, and we highly recommend it to anyone who’s looking for something new in their shooter experience. It has a great campaign, an even better multiplayer mode and some truly unique gameplay elements that make it stand out from other shooters on the market today. If you haven’t played Titanfall before then now is definitely the time!


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