A Complete Guide to the Nemesis System in Shadow of Mordor - GamesTopia

A Complete Guide to the Nemesis System in Shadow of Mordor

The Nemesis system is what makes Shadow of War such an engaging game. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the system and how it affects gameplay in Mordor.

Nemesis System

The nemesis system is a game mechanic that allows you to get revenge on orcs who have been a thorn in your side. It allows you to customize your own orc army and have them fight against each other in online battles.

The Nemesis System was introduced in Shadow of Mordor and has been expanded upon for Shadow of War.

It’s what drives the orc hierarchy, and it allows you to create your own personal army of Uruks who will fight for you.

The first thing you need to know about the Nemesis System is that it’s not just a single feature–it’s actually made up of several different elements that work together to create an ecosystem that simulates how an actual society might function. These elements include:

  • Orcs with different personalities and abilities; some may be stronger than others, while others might be smarter or faster than average orcs (and some might even have special skills). You’ll encounter these variations as you play through each game mission; if an Orc manages to survive long enough without dying or being promoted by another Orc (more on this later), then he becomes more powerful over time. The longer they live without dying or being promoted, the more likely they are able to increase their stats by leveling up through combat experience points gained from killing enemies/targets such as humans/elves/dwarves etcetera!

The system is what drives the orc hierarchy, meaning the highest-ranking orcs will be more difficult to take down.

This means that you can kill one of your nemesis and they will come back stronger than before. The same goes for if you manage to take down one of their captains or second in commands–they will return with revenge on their minds!

If your goal is simply to survive and make it out alive, then this is a great option for you! However, if you are looking for more than just survival mode then there are other options available as well…

The levels of Orcs are marked by their position in the hierarchy.

Orcs have levels, and the higher their level, the more difficult they will be to kill. The hierarchy of Orcs is as follows: Warchiefs are at the top of this structure and Grunts are at its bottom.

Some orcs can appear multiple times throughout the game but they won’t always be named the same thing or look exactly the same.

It’s important to note that the orcs you encounter can and will change. Some may be named differently, or look different than before, but they are still considered the same orc because of their personality traits, voice and other defining characteristics.

The Nemesis System is designed so that you will always be able to recognize an enemy who has killed one of your friends in battle before and vice versa; this way you know exactly where someone stands when it comes down tot he wire between life or death for both parties involved!

You can even customize your own orc army and have them fight against each other in online battles!

This is done through a simple online interface, which allows you to create an army of up to 10 orcs. You can then enter into matches against other players’ customized armies, or simply watch as they duke it out.

The Nemesis system gives you an opportunity to get revenge on an orc who has been a thorn in your side many times before

You can customize your own orc army and have them fight against each other in online battles!

When you encounter an enemy, they may be promoted or demoted based on their performance during the battle. If they are promoted, they will become stronger and harder to defeat next time you meet them; if they are demoted, they will become weaker and easier to defeat next time you meet them.


The Nemesis system is one of the best things about Shadow of Mordor. It’s a great way to get revenge on an orc who has been a thorn in your side many times before and it gives you an opportunity to customize your own army of orcs.


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