5 Reasons Why Assassin's Creed Valhalla Is the Best Game in the Series - GamesTopia

5 Reasons Why Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Is the Best Game in the Series

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a game that was released by Ubisoft. It is the ninth installment in the Assassin’s Creed series, and it is set in the Viking Age. This post will explore why this game deserves to be considered among the best ones in the series.

1. A Different Setting

The setting of Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla is different from the other games in the series, as it takes place during and after World War II. You play as an American soldier who has been sent to an island off the coast of Iceland called “Valhalla” by his superiors. The game starts out with you landing on this remote island and meeting up with your partner, who has been there for some time already.

You then go through several missions that involve assassinating high-ranking Nazi officials and taking down their operations while they try to figure out what happened on this mysterious island (which they call “The Holy Place”).

2. More Gameplay Variety

Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla is a more varied game than the previous titles in the series. It has more stealth options and combat options, which allow you to approach missions in different ways.

There are also more choices in how you can complete each mission. For example, there are multiple ways to get into an enemy stronghold without being seen by guards or detected by security cameras (if you choose not to avoid them).

3. More Stealth Options

Assassin’s Creed has always been about sneaking around, but in this game there are more options to stay hidden. You can hide in bushes, behind walls, and more. There’s even a new ability that lets you blend into crowds so guards won’t see you at all!

You also have more ways to distract guards so they don’t notice your presence–you can throw rocks at them or use your eagle vision to locate nearby animals that will scare them away. You could even use smoke bombs if you really want to get creative!

And if things get too dangerous for comfort? Well then it’s time for some good old fashioned murder (or maybe just stabbing). The combat system has been improved since last year’s Origins; enemies have different attack styles based on where they come from and each one requires its own strategy when approaching them head-on or sneaking up behind them without being seen first (so much fun!).

4. A New Villain

The new villain, Loke, is a much more interesting character than previous villains. He’s not just a bad guy who wants to take over the world because he’s evil and has nothing better to do with his time. He has reasons for wanting to do so and they make sense–even if they are a little strange and convoluted at times.

He also has more depth than any other character in this series so far. You learn about him through bits of dialogue between characters as well as side missions that you can complete throughout the game (which we’ll talk about later). These extra interactions help flesh out his personality even further and make him feel like more than just another cookie cutter antagonist who wants power for no reason other than he’s been told it will make him happy by some higher power or something similar like that (I’m looking at you Abstergo Industries).

5. Improved Combat System

Assassin’s Creed has always been a series that’s focused on stealth, but that doesn’t mean the combat is bad. In fact, it’s usually pretty good! But there are times when you just want to kill all of your enemies without worrying about any consequences. That’s where Valhalla comes in.

The new combat system is much more fluid and gives you more options for stealth kills–not only can you use your sword as a projectile now (which feels very satisfying), but there are also new weapons like axes and spears at your disposal. Plus, animations have been improved so they look smoother than ever before!

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a great game and it is worth playing if you are an Assassin’s Creed fan.

If you are an Assassin’s Creed fan, then it is worth playing this game. It is the best game in the series and has everything that makes a great game: great graphics, good gameplay (it is better than Origins), and lots of content to keep you busy for hours on end.

It also has some new features that make it stand out from other games in its genre like Odyssey or Shadow of War by adding more RPG elements such as leveling up characters and collecting loot drops after each mission completed. These additions add more depth to what was already an immersive experience but didn’t quite reach its full potential until now!


In conclusion, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a great game and it is worth playing if you are an Assassin’s Creed fan.


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